A perfect voyage has a lot of moving parts.

We're here to be your partner. An irreplaceable part of your business that you couldn't imagine being without. So why not find out a little more about us?

You'll have noticed that we like a seafaring metaphor for the work we do, and that extends to the diverse talents of our crew. Experienced marketplace specialists from around the world bringing creativity, innovation and technical excellence to what we do.

But it's more than that. Our team are travellers and problem-solvers, pushing brands, products and digital marketplaces in exciting new directions. It might sound a little cheesy, but we all genuinely love this. It's young, it's innovative, and it's our future.

We're helping companies both new and established reach their potential, and it's our absolute privilege.


what sets us apart?

  • We understand that every aspect needs to perform for you — revenue, net profit, cash flow, risk, brand building.

  • We combine assessment and strategy with fully outsourced management that you can set and forget.

  • With offices on five continents, you benefit from an efficient, global way of working, as well as invaluable local knowledge and a reach covering over 63% of marketplace sales worldwide.




Ready to start your marketplace journey?