Amazon Product Detail Page Check List

Having an optimised Amazon product listing page is critical when getting sales on the platform. The customers need to learn all about your product and you have to get this across in a very little time, this is where many sellers get stumped but we have complied our top 7 points to maximise your listing page.

1.       Product Title:
Make sure you include primary keywords! Do your research against competitors, what are they including in their titles, research what are the search terms to capitalise on your title SEO, finding a fine line between optimised and easy to read for the consumer so do not cram keywords just to rank higher.


2.       Product Images:
Your image is high-res, on a white background and has a very small boarder making use of all the pixels! The main image must have the ability anyone can look at the image and know what the product is and includes without reading the title or bullet points, multiple images utilise your branding and colours and must include lifestyle images (if applicable). 5-7 images including a video would be ideal.


3.       Bullet Points:
Utilise features & benefits clearly. Make sure that your key points in each bullet point is skim-able and any further information to expand. Focus on the unique selling points and differences of your competitors if possible. Maxing out at -7 would be great!


4.       Brand Registry:
Key if selling own branded products to protect from 3rd party sellers. By having a your brand registry you should utilise all the tools at your disposal, A+ content, brand story and brand story to maximise your presence on Amazon and really speak to the customer.

5.       Product Description:
Expand on your bullet points and utilise secondary and long-tail keywords to boost SEO & answer the customers questions before they ask them. If utilising A+ content, this text may not be seen but is great to have for SEO purposes.

6.       A+ Content:
Used to enhance the brand content and again, expand on the product details. Make sure the images are high quality and try adding in your brand story to get the customer invested. Bonus: utilise alt text to boost extra keywords (spelling mistakes, language options etc.) Bonus #2: Make sure your A+ is optimised for mobile, big wording and big clear images, on app this is not zoom-able.


7.       Search Terms:
Research terms for your Title, bullet points, description, backend relevant for your product. This can be primary, secondary, long-tail, mis-spelt, alternative language (depending on location). Try not do keyword stuff, so utilising alt text and backend keywords to boost your SEO and searchability.

Ensure Your Success on Amazon!

Focusing on your product listings will improve your ranking, sales and you will make more money, it is difficult to create and outstanding optimised Amazon listing, following the 7 points will get you closer to your goal. If you want to go one step further, reach out for a conversation of how Infinity Blue can help!


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