amazon’s Brand analytics - an untapped resource to drive brand GROWTH

Many brands are not aware of the existence or capabilities of Brand Analytics. We use this regularly and are always surprised at the lack of awareness of it. More on that below!

What is Brand Analytics?

Amazon frequently introduces new tools and features, and it’s possible that not all users are up to date with the latest additions. If used regularly and strategically, Brand Analytics is a game changer.

It is a tool on Seller Central that provides a wealth of data to registered brands such as:

  • Customer search terms

  • Customer demographics

  • Customer bounce information - alternate products to view and/or purchase

  • FBT - products frequently bought together

  • Repeat purchases

Why is this useful?

We use this data to:

  • Optimise content

  • Optimise ad strategies (and do some great testing so we know what works best!)

  • Cross market products and create bundles

  • Develop enticing subscribe and save offers

The ultimate result of this is we increase brand and product visibility, conversions and loyalty.

What’s not to like?!

Interestingly, it is an underused resource for lots of reasons. There is overlap with these but if the likes of Brand Analytics is to be taken advantage of, they need pragmatic targeting:

Complexity: Brand Analytics might have been perceived as complex or difficult to use, deterring some sellers from utilising it fully. If the tool requires a significant learning curve or technical expertise, some brands might choose to stick with familiar tools instead.

Limited Access: Proper Brand Registry is needed.

Data Overwhelm: Brand Analytics provides a lot of data and metrics. Some brands might be overwhelmed by the sheer amount of information and might not be sure how to extract actionable insights from it.

Time Constraints: Managing an Amazon store involves a wide range of tasks, from sourcing products to customer service. Brands might not have the time to explore and effectively use every tool Amazon offers.

Competing Tools: Amazon offers a multitude of tools and services for sellers, and staff might prioritise using tools they believe have a more direct impact on their sales and performance.

Perceived Value: Brands might not fully understand the value that Brand Analytics can provide in terms of competitor insights, market trends, and customer behaviour. If they don’t see a clear benefit, they might not invest time in using the tool.

Resource Constraints: Some brands lack the resources, such as personnel with data analysis skills, to fully utilise the insights offered by Brand Analytics.

Changing Priorities: The priorities of brands can change over time. What might be underused at one point could gain more attention as market conditions or business strategies evolve.

We have specialists that make the most of Brand Analytics and a host of other tools to drive brand growth.

If you want to make the most of these tools and insights available to you to optimise your sales and performance, come and speak to the team at Infinity Blue.


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